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Dog Training

There are different meanings of the term "training." It is necessary to understand this fact before deciding what you need to do with your dog.

There are different meanings of the term "training." It is necessary to understand this
fact before deciding what you need to do with your dog. Given below are some distinctions:

First of all, there is the "Behavior training - Dog behavior training involves teaching life skills, such as preventing aggression problems, and how to properly interact with others and the environment without undue stress.." This is a training in which a dog is taught to be a "good citizen." This includes house training, good behavior around people and other dogs, leash manners and other things that make your dog a much more pleasant companion to be with.

Next is "Obedience training - Obedience training is one of the best things you can do for your dog or puppy and yourself. Obedience training doesn't solve all behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem.," which is teaching your dog how to do be obedient. This can include traditional exercises such as heeling. The emphasis here is on prompt and accurate performance. While there can be many benefits to this training, this training is usually for the training's sake and not to improve the dog's behavior.

Finally, there is the "Activity training - People who play with their dog, stay with their dog." which refers to training for specific activities like Herding, Hunting, Search and Rescue, Lure Coursing and a number of activities designed to showcase your dog's abilities, particularly in activities for which the dog has been bred to do. These days, such activities also include "sports" such as Frisbee, Flyball, Agility and so on.

Of course there is a thin line between all of these distinctions. A certain amount of obedience training will help with behaviors. For example a dog that is heeling will not pull on the leash. Still you want to keep this in mind when selecting a training class so that it best matches your needs.

For many dog owners, the behavior-oriented classes are the best way to learn how to understand your dog. For those of you who want to enjoy a sport or compete in an activity with your dog will need to move along to more complex training.

You need to be aware of whether you need to correct your dog's behavior (where you will have to find out the underlying reason why your dog digs and not just put chicken wire over everything) or obedience training (to understand specific commands).

Certainly, the two may be related: a dog that digs because it is bored may become less bored with obedience training and stop digging. It is important, however, to understand that the dog stopped digging because it was no longer bored than because it now knows how to heel. You will need to modify your approach, or select a trainer to help you, with behavior vs. training in mind.

Another factor to consider is that there are many methods for teaching all of these! The different guides available on our website will help you in your endeavor to train your best friend into a Super Dog!

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